

Klemens Sitzmann is an architect and designer born in Italy and currently practices in Berlin. At the moment he works as freelance design architect alongside teaching as external lecturer at the University of Innsbruck. 

Holistic architectural concepts and cohesive design are at the center of every project. The emphasis lays on a clear & consistent design language throughout all projects and building scales. Having worked for international firms, he has experience in project leading and communication of design.

During his professional career he gained international design experience in medium to large developments working as a design architect for the next Enterprise Architects in Vienna, AECOM  in Los Angeles, Asymptote Architecture in New York and GRAFT in Berlin. His last position was project lead in the design team of BlocherPartners Berlin. 

Klemens has studied architecture at the Technical University of Vienna, Southern California Institute of Architecture and graduated with distinction from University of Applied Arts Vienna (Studio Hani Rashid) in 2015.

His artworks will (eventually or maybe never) get online at klemenssitzmann.com

BlocherPartners Berlin
Design Team
Project Lead for design projects and competitions

GRAFT Gesellschaft für Architekten
Design & Competition Team
Person in Charge for design projects and competitions

Design Studio
Architectural Design, 3D Modelling, Visual communication

Asymptote Architecture
Senior Designer
Architectural Design, 3D Modelling, Fabrication, Visualization

AECOM Architecture
Architectural designer
Design and Visualization

the Next Enterprise

Architecture Office
Internship as Design Architect

Architecture visualization office
3D-Modelling, Animation, Rendering, Post-Production

Wolfsgruber GmbH
Stainless steel and wrought iron products
Draftsman and project assistant

30.01.2015 “Master of Architecture” MArch - Graduation with distinction at Studio Hani Rashid
University of Applied Arts Vienna

2013 Exchange Semester at Southern California Institute of Architecture, Los Angeles

since 2011 Master of Architecture at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna – Studio Hani Rashid

2010-2011 Master of Architecture at the Technical University of Vienna

November 2010 Conferral of the academic degree “Bachelor of Science” BSc at TU Vienna

2006-2010 Bachelor of Architecture at the Technical University of Vienna

2005-2007 Political Sciences at the University of Vienna

Between Worlds - Old Walls New Art
group exhibition about the future - Digital Art Stills & Animation
Asisi Panorama Berlin

Archivierte Zukunft - Futuro archiviato
group exhibition about future architecture in the Alps
Stadtmuseum Bruneck

Edge 2019 - Neuroscience and Art Exhibition
group exhibition at Charité Crossover (CCO)
& decommissioned power station and art space in Steglitz

the absolute library - solo exhibition
Raum 3000

The Essence 15
annual exhibition of the university of applied arts
Künstlerhaus Wien

The Essence 14
annual exhibition of the university of applied arts
Künstlerhaus Wien

Environmental Ballet
architectural performance MAK NITE Lab
MAK Säulenhalle

The Essence 13
annual exhibition of the university of applied arts
Künstlerhaus Wien

Experimental Architecture Biennale
Jaroslav Fragner Gallery

David Rutten Acadia Award Speech
project was featured in video of David Ruttens Acadia Award speech

Rhino 6 - Grasshopper Promo
part of the Grasshopper for Rhino 6 promotional video

Grasshopper User Meeting Berlin
presentation of robot house project from SCI-Arc

Re: Futures: Studio Hani Rashid. University of Applied Arts Vienna
Book - collection of student work from Studio Rashid at dieAngewandte

Behance - Thesis project
featured in the Behance Architecture selection

Suckerpunch - Re-reading City

Contact info

Feel free to get in touch 


+49 1578 3363301

Leipziger Straße 60

Konzulat Studios

10117 Berlin

Ust-IdNr. DE311838031