Verteilerkreis Favoriten was an invited competition for the team of the next Enterprise in 2014. The Area is very urban in the south of Vienna, where the Verteilerkreis acts as a redistributor of the urban connections on the periphery of the City. It is a transitional point from the Viennese “Blockrandbebauung” to its lower density periphery.
Nontheless its function, the Verteilerkreis is one of the few highpoints of Vienna’s cityscape. Taken that into consideration, the city of Vienna triggered an invited competition to vitalize the area inside of the roundabout. Projected were a headquarter of the ASFINAG, a mixed use mall structure, student housing and parking garage on site. To satisfy the need, the team decided to create and ensemble of geometriey on site, connected by a common base. It takes the geometry of the site into consideration as well as flows from the cars, bycicles and pedestrians.
My personal responsibiliy were to assist in the digital model as well as creating a graphic representation of the project for the jury.