These drawings explore concepts and analytical tools associated with formalism and archaeology through a close study of some dolmens, or rude stone monuments. Composed of rather large flat stones supported on top of two or more upright ones, they at times define a vague interior. As such, these megalithic formations offer a proto architectural form for studying representational techniques of measurement, regulatory geometry, annotation, line work, and shade & shadow. Each drawing establishes a syntactic system to describe a set of otherwise opaque objects.
Formwork, which focuses on a close analysis of the assigned masses from touristic photographs, archaeological surveys, and other archival miscellany through tactical measurement and digital modeling. The volumetric studies of these post and beam formations help to identify the posture and inclination of both – the load bearing vertical and the reclining horizontal stones. The second part, Analogous Object, then is used to help translate the formal ordering characteristics into an inversion of the monument.